April 27th, 2008 at 01:38 pm
HI All
Well I have been keeping track of anything I do frugally. In the month of April my spending of food items has gone up but I have been mostly buying everything on sale and stockpiling a little more than I normally do. There are some financial experts that tell you not to do this. I don't agree. I feel that I am cost-averaging my food purchases. Since I only buy on sale, it makes sense to stock up.
Posted in
April 20th, 2008 at 04:23 pm
Hi All
Well this has been an adventurous week.
DH had to work the dogwatch shift for two nights. It was hard to get used to making no noise at night when he was asleep. Also harder not having him next to me in bed. I just feel safer that way.
Have been stocking up on many things this week. Walgreens and the grocery store was having some stock up sales so I was all in for that. I will not need laundry detergent or some personal care items for quite awhile.
Work has been a little weird. One day it is slow and the next nonstop crazyness. Hopefully it will even out soon.
Working on all my points/rewards programs. Trying to use them to pay for Christmas rather than me. As of now I will be getting quite a few giftcards for Christmas time.
Got rid of a lot of books this week through paperbackswap and bookmooch. It feels lightening to do this. I don't have as much clutter in my office now.
Hope everyone has a good week
Posted in
April 13th, 2008 at 02:31 am
Well this week I have been working on decluttering the office. I have gotten rid of so much stuff (mostly through freecycle) that DH thinks he next to be gone.
Went to the farmers market today. Not much available since it was so cold. Didn't spend anything there but went to the bulk spice store and got a few things there.
At work I should be getting rid of the reports I have been trying to get rid of at the end of this month.
Also as of last weight in I have lost 12 pounds. I have been doing the Paul McKenna plan. I really do like it.
DH got a new job where he works. It isn't a increase in pay but now he doesn't have to work any weekends. Love it.
Posted in
April 6th, 2008 at 01:45 pm
Well it was a gorgeous day Saturday. I did have to work for a few hours but then DH and I spent a little time outside tidying up the yard. Waiting for spring in all her glory to get here. Waiting to be able to plant my gardens
A few of the neighbors came by and chatted. Seems like we will be losing one neighbor to forclosure and 2 are being forced to sell. My little street will be changing quite dramatically. Makes me grateful I am pinching pennies and watching how we spend money. Although we are by no means that bad off to have to sell.
This week I have gotten lots of freebies. Got personal items, trashbags, medicine, and lots more bread, rolls and sweet treats. Putting all to good use so that I don't feel wasteful.
Now that there is all this talk about layoffs, bad economy, recession, depression it makes me feel good that DH and I have jobs. We talked that no matter how bad they get we will be working there. Jobs are to hard to come by and you will have to compete with a lot of people. It is very scary. In talking with my dad he says this was they way he felt in the 70s. He says it will pass but it will scar a lot of people up pretty bad. Just like the depression did.
Posted in
April 3rd, 2008 at 11:37 pm
Well the first three days of April have been going pretty smooth. Been bringing lunch and spending very little. Biggest expense was getting gas for DH truck. It was $65 but not bad considering we are carpooling together.
Was told at work they need help so I will be workinig OT to get lots done for them and fatten up my wallet.
Posted in
February 22nd, 2008 at 02:50 am
My dad will turn 77 this year. Over the past couple of years since my mom died I have learned some valuable lessons
1. Forgive. Our parents were only doing what they thought was right at the time.
2. Forgetfulness - As time goes on they will forget some things but don't remind them of it or they will get really pissy.
3. Farts - as you get older you fart a lot. Including the walking farts. Fact of life.
4. Patience - You have to gain it as they lose it. Patience is definetly a virtue.
5. Memories - This is the time that you need to put their memories to paper. When they talk, listen and then write it down. Once they are gone it could be lost forever.
6. Medical problems - Everything is genetic despite what the Drs. tell you.
7. Love - Your parents do love you even though they may not show it all the time. You need to show that you love them because you never know when it could be the last time you tell them.
8. Understanding - Make sure that you are all in agreement on what their final wishes are. Even though you don't want them to go, you don't want them to come back and haunt you.
9. Laughter - Sometimes in bad situations laughter is a good thing. It can diffuse hostility and make things all better. Even if you have to be the one to make a fool of yourself
10. Rememberance - Take the time to remember all the little things that you did with your parents. The good, bad and ugly. It can make things easier in the end.
Posted in
December 16th, 2007 at 12:29 am
Well this lovely month of December as been full of excitement.
DH has been on call for the past 15 days because of the weather. So at any moment he could be called in to work. This is besides his regular shift.
Had to put my dad in the hospital for 5 days because of diverticulitis. That was fun as well
The weather has put a big kink into activities and when we can do them.
All that being said I have paid the bills that needed to be paid and put back $800 in savings. Christmas is bought, paid for and wrapped. As well as DD's birthday on the 23rd. I only need to buy a few ingredients for Christmas dinner and we are ready to go.
Posted in
December 1st, 2007 at 12:31 pm
Posted in
August 26th, 2007 at 01:48 pm
Well it has been awhile since I posted here. Many thngs have attributed to this, but the biggest is DH new job. He has the weirdest hours and it drives me crazy. But on the up side it is a job and we are now debt free except the house. YEAH. So now we are working on getting lots of money in the bank. We are also treating ourselves a little bit since we have work so hard on not havign any debt
Posted in
June 3rd, 2007 at 01:43 pm
HI All
It has been awhile since I posted. Many things have been happening.
1. DH got a new job. He is working for the police department as a automotive tech. Good pay and not so bad benefits. The hours could be the only sucky part about it. We won't know his true "regular" hours until he is done with training.
2. Since that has happened I have come to the realization that I can end my merchandising/mystery shopping. It was good when I needed it but now I can spend my time toward better money pursuits.
3. Have been going to the farmers market and getting some fresh produce so that I can preserve it for future use.
4. Also working on creating more items. Been going through the stash of craft supplies and DH has been going through his stuff. Right now I have taken out enough items to piece together a wall quilt.
Well that is all the rambling for now. I will be back.
Posted in
April 8th, 2007 at 03:48 am
Hi All
Well got through a the first week in April. Have started working on my sewing projects that are on my to list. Just finished the doggy pillow with free fabric and faux fir from freecycle. Going to make some big cushions for the deck with some more of the leftover heavy duty canvas I got from freecycle.
I have lost 3 pounds and have exercise 5 of the 7 days. So I have not done bad. I also have looked into getting some food directly from the farmer for cheaper prices. Still thinking about that one.
Well off to start make a Easter basket and go to bed.
Posted in
April 2nd, 2007 at 12:00 am
Well it was a great day. I got a lot done around the house and I was frugal about it. Did some laundry and hung it up to dry. Made all meals at home and have lunch for work tomorrow. Trying to make the frugality pan out.
Also found a neat sight to where I can log my exercise and food for free. So that will take WW out of the picture as I need to lose some serious weight and accountablity will help. Need to get off and start doing some sewing.
Posted in
March 31st, 2007 at 02:11 pm
Well I figured out what I need to do in April. Mostly save money since everything is going up AGAIN. I will be working very hard to make it all happen.
April Goals
1. Stick to budget
2. Pay off big chunk of M/C
3. Look at bills again and see what I can reduce
4. exercise daily
5. lose 5 pounds
6. declutter more of house and sell/freecycle it
7. work on my sewing
8. oil change in van
9. get veges planted in garden
10. work on finding cheaper sources of everything
11. Eat out only 2x this month
Last month with tax money I paid off a bill and bought the Dave Ramsey envelope wallet. It has helped out quite a bit.
Posted in
March 28th, 2007 at 09:12 pm
Hi All
Well it is sunny and 80 here in the midwest. Today is a wonderful day. I sent off the final payment to Cap one and sent in half of what I owe to Sears Mastercard. Hopefully in the next few months I will be able to get that paid off and I will owe nothing but for the house. Yeah.
Posted in
March 4th, 2007 at 02:28 pm
Well last night a friend and her DH came over to have a celebratory drink. A little over a year ago her mom died leaving a house full of crap (literally there was mouse poo everywhere), no will and a lot of questions. My friend is deaf and her husband was over in Iraq fighting for our country. She was having problems getting anything started, accomplished. So we stepped in and starting helping her where we could.
By the time we were done 7 months later we had 4 large dumpsters of trash, a couple of sales and finally the house sold to a "flipper" because it needed a lot of help.
Fast forward to last night. Since there wasn't a will they had to wait a year after moms death for claims against the estate and to settle everything. So we were having drinks, toasting that their lives could get back to normal and they had us a card with a check for $1000. Now DH and I did not do this to get any $$ or anything, really just to be friends and help out. When I asked what was going on they said
"You helped without getting paid and without expecting anything, that is the reason you are getting paid."
This will go towards a bill. We are almost debt free.
Posted in
February 18th, 2007 at 01:53 pm
Hi all
Got the taxes done. Getting $3000 back. That will all go onto bills. Will have all bills paid off except for 1 CC and the house. Hopefully with bonuses coming up at work there will be enough there to tackle a good junk of the CC.
I did make my first 3 candles out of the discarded candle wax. They turned out good and burn wonderfully. I don't think this will become a full time job, but 1 other thing to save money.
Posted in
December 31st, 2006 at 03:22 am
Didn't save to much today. Saved $21 on the groceries but spent a little more than I was hoping to. That is okay. We have enought groceries to last awhile.
Went out and bought some candle wicks and stickem but used coupons for both. We have a lot of candle wax left over from candles (bought very cheaply) that I am going to try to remelt and reuse.
For my goals for 2007
1. Look at each and every bill that comes in and see how I can reduce it. Especially since everything is going to start going up 1/1
2. Find new, effecient, frugal ways to do things.
3. Lose weight
Posted in
December 29th, 2006 at 08:57 pm
Well I needed new brakes on my van. Thought I was going to have to take it to the dealer to get it done as DH hasn't had much time. This morning he told me if I went and got the brakes he would get them on today.
Went and got them. Thought it would be a all day job. Took two hours. Saved $140 WAHOO
Posted in
November 4th, 2006 at 12:33 am
Well day 1 with the envelope systems went well. I even managed to not spend the Friday night eat out money. Instead we fixed dinner. I am pretty happy with that. DH did overspend on gas, but he got enought to mow the lawn with. We will see how that budget goes.
Posted in
November 3rd, 2006 at 01:34 pm
Well today I start using the envelope system. Hopefully this will tell me where my leaks are. Need to get them plugged and get rid of the remaining debt. Even though I don't have much it is enough to drive me mad.
Posted in
October 29th, 2006 at 10:19 pm
Well I have been bad. These past few months have been very busy and I have not been as frugal as I should. I have been getting what little debt we have paid down, but I could have done more. So with today I am starting over and making this work.
Posted in
July 1st, 2006 at 09:23 pm
Well yesterday hubby got a job that starts on Monday. He will start working 10-12 hour days 6 days a week until they get the hiring done. The company he will work for had bought a plant that had a illegal immigrant problem. So after they got rid of them they are behind on everything.
A little history, DH had gotten a buy out offer 2 years ago. He worked for the company for 17 years. Started working for a friend but that only lasted 10 months as they are a housing construction and that isn't doing well here in the midwest. So he started looking for other work. Well the first company wouldn't verify his employment unless you paid them 12.95 for each verification. Most prospective employers wouldn't do it and passed on him. The company he is going to work for finally got someone to verify his employment for free.
Posted in
June 12th, 2006 at 02:35 am
I have been struggaling with my frugality. I decided today that since I have my blog I will journal my days and then I can celebrate my good and learn from the bad.
Today I only went one place. I had to get a couple of personal grooming items and also do a audit for my part time job. It paid for itself. I also scanned my grocery items and personal items for Homescan. Applied for a couple of freebies that were listed here. Signed up for my local freecycle. That is very interesting. Hung up laundry and walked for exercise. While walking I picked up aluminum cans.
All in all not a bad day.
Posted in
June 11th, 2006 at 03:56 am
Well this is my first blog here at Savings advice. I have been reading everyone and getting some great advice.
Well today was a pretty good day. I went grocery shopping and spent $20 less than normal thanks to some great sales and coupons.
Got home and the mail brought me my Folgers Simply Smooth buzz kit. I couldn't believe they sent me a whole 12 ounce container of coffee. Love doing this buzz thing.
We put up our extra car for sale today. Finally talked DH into doing it. Since we haven't driven it in a year and it will be awhile be DD can drive it, why keep it around. Maybe then my van can go into the garage. YEA
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