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My Money 1/18/09

January 18th, 2009 at 01:27 pm

Good morning everyone.

Been reading the news and everyone is writing that we should be spending money and not saving it since that is the only way out of a recession. Okay, isn't that what got us in this mess in the first place. People overspending to have the first, best or greatest item out there.

I will be spending, but only on the necessary items and then I will be looking for sales. I will not be bullied into buying frivolous stuff just to "boost" the economy. I have generally lived within my means. I have taken out a few loans to improve my home, not pay off a credit card or have plastic surgery. Have also gotten a few loans in my time to buy a vehicle. Also not the type of person that has to have the latest/greatest. Everything has always been paid off early because I don't like being a slave to a lender.

This week has been wonderful. Had $ left over from the last payday, so that went into the rainyday fund. Bills are paid but I will be looking into ways to start cutting all expenses just in case something happens. DD has been put on notice that we will watching the spending.

Gathered up all my information for taxes. Just waiting for it to come in from other sources. Made my tax appt for Valentines Day. What a way to tell myself I love me. Also, was very frugal. Wanting some books and instead of going to the bookstore I went to the local library and checked them out. I now have quite a selection of books coming my way.

End of August OMG

August 31st, 2008 at 06:45 pm

Well it is the end of August. Time has flown by really fast.

This week got paid for a lot of my mystery shopping and audits. Applied those to a bill and will not see it anymore.

DH has been nagging for a couple of weeks about a new vehicle for me. Ours isn't doing so hot. So I got us preapproved for a loan and found out about the insurance. Now we just need to find it.

Which bring us to September and how we will need to tighten the belt if we get a new vehicle.

Sunny Sunday Revalation

August 25th, 2008 at 02:47 am

Okay I was out doing some audits for my "part-time" job and realized that I needed to do the grocery shopping. Didn't want to have to drive all the way to the grocery store (kinda out of the way). I was 1 block from the big Super Walmart. All I can say is WOW.

Normally I try not to shop there. I feel it does take away from the mom and pop stores.

Well did the shopping and started to notice that things we cheaper. Not like 5 or 10 cents cheaper, but like $1 or more cheaper. Only had $48 to spend and I only went over by .54.

Also found out that there is an Aldi's 1 block away. So I may now have to do my shopping in these two places. It will save me lots of money.

My beautfiul day

May 26th, 2008 at 08:58 pm

Happy Memorial Day everyone. It has been a very good day here. Went to the cemetary to decorate the graves of relatives and attended the 21 gun salute they have every year.

Been awhile since I have been on. Been trying to do so many things but accomplishing a lot. Since we have been savings so much money I haven't been as frugal as I should. But I will be kicking that up a notch higher starting today. Haven't gone out and spent any money today and prepping meals for later this week so I am not tempted to talk DH into eating out. Later I will go get my CSA and my free bread/goodies from my dad.

Resting and relaxing

February 23rd, 2008 at 10:33 pm

Well since we have all been sick we decided not to do a whole lot this weekend. I have gone grocery shopping and personal shopping. Went to the stock up store and shouldn't have to do a whole lot for awhile.

Did take DD to the Dr. today as she was have a super runny nose and watery eyes. The combination of meds she was taking was supposed to dry her up not make her more runny. Well Dr. determined that she was allergic to the combination. Told us to discontinue everything new but her allergy med. He did give us some new meds to counterbalance the reaction and get her better. Yeah more $$ have to spend but hopefully she will feel better soon.

Other than that we will be spending the weekend holed up at home doing not much

DH still sick

February 19th, 2008 at 10:59 pm

Well DH spent the day in bed. Kept calling and moaning about how bad he felt. Told him he needed to eat and take a shower and then let me know how he feels. When I get home he says he did all that and feels a little better. Kinda worried about working in the cold air tomorrow. Wants me to get him a mask.AARRGGHH.

I am picking up a bread slicer in a little bit. Going to start making homemade bread. I can't slice it so hopefully this will help.

Taxes and sick day

February 18th, 2008 at 11:09 pm

Hello all

Well I have plodding along in trying to be more frugal. Right now we are saving DHs income and living off of mine.

Had our taxes done today. We are getting back and that will pay for our season tickets to arena football and pay for my new desk.

DH wasn't feeling well today. Went to the dr and he has a bad case of bronchitis. I hate winter. After spending $72 on meds I am more than ready for this to end.