June 8th, 2008 at 11:01 pm
Well I decided to see how I was doing on my 2008 goals.
We are doing great. Almost have the 2nd mortgage paid off. Saving DH's paycheck. Almost $11K in the bank. Need to work on the frugality part a little more. Reducing spending will come with that.
Green wise doing great as well. We have reduced our trash output to one kitchen garbage bag a week. The recycling bin is always full. Savings cans has produced $$ in the bank. Putting off the new dishwasher for now. Have gotten rid of about 150 pounds of stuff via freecycle. The shelves have been put into July to do.
To save on gas DH and I are carpooling and it has been working out great.
Almost have gotten rid of the reports. Hopefully sometime this month. Haven't received anything about audit scores and I am working on some classes to learn the product.
Calling friends and family at least once a week to see how things are. Have lost 17 pounds so far this year. Faced my fear of going to the dentist. So glad I did because I have a abcess we are working on. Exercise is going great. The community center gym hasn't been working out as well as I hoped. They keep changing hours. All the expos and concerts I want to go to are coming up and I am working on getting in for free. Housekeeping is still a challenge since I have been working OT but will be working on that one.
Overall this year has been going good. Need to pick up the pace on a few things and kickstart the frugality more.
Posted in
March 30th, 2008 at 01:15 pm
I will get paid tomorrow. since it will be busy I decided to go ahead and pay the bills today. Will hold off on mailing them until I see the deposit in my account. Things are looking good. I also sent DHs paycheck to the savings account and have money set aside to take out for spending for the next two weeks.
It feels so good not to have to worry about if there is enough money to pay for everything.
On the frugality side
- carpooled with DH
- Did mycoke rewards
- Inbox dollars
- all food from home
- returned library books
- returned some items to Walmart
- all food from home
- laundry in cold
- picked up some fabric from a freecycler
- picked up some more fabric
- got 8 packages of free dinner rolls
- did mypoints
- all electricity off until possible
- tidied house
Posted in
December 26th, 2007 at 01:30 pm
Well as of yesterday I have $1000 more in my savings. Yes I did a transfer on Christmas day. What better day to do it. I had saved money and was a gift giver.
I have also looked a a bill to see if we could reduce costs. We can reduce the insurance by $200 a year by increasing the deductible by $100. so we will be changing that.
Posted in
December 24th, 2007 at 09:56 pm
Well 4-8 on my personal goals did not copy over
4. Exercise - join community center gym
5. Hobbies
6. Work on housekeeping
7. Go to more expos and concerts for free
8. Organization
9. Pamper myself more
Posted in
December 24th, 2007 at 09:55 pm
My 2008 goals are
1. Pay off 2nd mortgage
2. Track all spending
3. Reduce spending
4. Can/Freeze produce
5. Save DH paycheck
6. Track Frugality
7. Be more frugal
1. Redo shelves in Linen closet
2. New Dishwasher
3. Garden
4. Dejunk/declutter
5. Become more green
1. Get rid of reports
2. Better audit scores
3. Learn the products better
1. Better communication with family and friends
2. Lose 50 pounds (5 pound goals)
3. Dentist
4. Exercise - join community center gym
5. Hobbies
6. Work on housekeeping
7. Go to more expos and concerts for free
8. Organization
9. Pamper myself more
Posted in
December 1st, 2007 at 12:34 pm
Well tried to type this once and it didn't work. So here is the second try.
My goals for December 2007 are as follows
1. Save $1000
2. Track all expeditures
3. Take one bill and find a way to make it smaller
4. Buy less
5. Start Christmas club for next year
6. Get more use out of freecycle and craigslist
7. Start looking at taxes
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